He had her full attention now
In this week’s LAP Love Notes, I’m sharing a snippet from my work in progress .
The provisonal title is Love At First Sound. It’s a younger man-older woman romance, and I can’t wait to share the drama that unfolds between Emem and Yomi
In this scene, Yomi finally musters the courage to ask his long-time crush out. Enjoy

He watched as she lifted a forkful of cake to her lips, his attention drawn to their succulent fullness. As though sensing his perusal, her gaze jumped to his and held.
His pulse began pounding in his ears. This is it— the moment to ask her out. He had her full attention now.
“Sasha…” he began.
“Emem,” she interjected. “Please call me Emem.”
“Emem, I would like to take you out on a date, maybe dinner.”
Silence. The diameter of her eyes doubled, a soft gasp escaping her parted lips.
“I’m thirty-eight years old,” she sputtered.
He lifted a brow, puzzled. “So?”
“Well … I am not … I’m way older than you.”