Enugu- The town I love to write about.

So glad to be writing again.

Iā€™m getting more sleep and a bit more time to myself . I think it’s because my five month old is more aware of her surroundings and no longer needs constant reassurance from being cuddled.

I managed to get about 8344 words in last weekend. I’m feeling pumped up and positive.

Ps: Love this book cover šŸ’ƒšŸ½šŸ’ƒšŸ½šŸ’ƒšŸ½

Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction.

Blurb: Still working on it. Iā€™m just 23,405 words in, so just a quarter way to my destination, which from experience, may change.

Release Date: Hopefully before September.

Location: Enugu, Nigeria.

I have a soft spot for Enugu. It was where I met my husband. But more importantly, where I tasted independence for the first time. 

I really enjoyed myself in that town. Mainly because I got my first job there. And for the first time, I lived in a flat by myself, had my own money and experienced what it means to live on my own terms without needing parental support.

It was a heady feeling to be young, single and financially able to sort myself out. But also a humbling period of my life because I finally understood the value of money.

Whenever I make financial sacrifices for my family and kids, I always let myself remember and relish that period of my life when my money was strictly mine šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‚

To the friends I made in Enugu, some of whom I still keep in touch with, you made my stay fabulous.

#amwriting #amwritingromancenovels 

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Amaka Azie

She explores the beauty and intricacies of the continent in her sweet and sensual love stories. Her books showcase bold and exciting female and male African main characters with compelling storylines. She was named one of the most influential authors under Forty by the Nigerian Writers Awards (NWA) for the year 2017. Apart from getting lost in creating fascinating fictional characters, Amaka enjoys reading, painting and traveling with her family. She lives in the United Kingdom with her husband and daughters where she also practices part-time as a family Doctor.

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