Teaser Thursday- Melodies of Love

Hi guys.

I’m still in my self-isolation cave and maintaining the social distance advised by healthcare professionals.

It’s been hard not to leave the house anytime I want and go to play dates with my baby. Or simply go window shopping with her in the stroller. 

It’s one of the things I’ve been looking forward to as the weather improves. The sun’s been out for the past few days, but I’ve been stuck at home most days.

I’ll continue trying to keep my head up. Fingers crossed the pandemic would soon be over and people recover, too.

Virtual hugs to anyone affected in one way or the other by the Covid 19 virus. Keeping you in my prayers.

Okay, back to books. One sure way to improve my mood. Here’s a teaser from Melodies of love. This is the first date after Adaora and Ikenna reunite.


A part of her was pleased that he had sought her out; another part was annoyed that after twelve years of total silence, he felt he had the right to manipulate events to see her again. 

What if she did not want to see him? Why did he assume that she would want to? 

Does he think I have been pining for him? Waiting for him all these years?

“Don’t get me wrong Ada, I know you are good at what you do, and I know that you will handle my account excellently,” Ikenna’s tone was a serious one, “I just wanted to see you again. Call it curiosity … I don’t know, but I’m glad to finally be here with you.” 

His voice was so low that Adaora barely heard him. Her heart softened at that response. She was also glad to see him again, to be here with him.


Hope you enjoyed reading.

Purchase Links: 

Melodies of Love: 

AmazonUK: http://bit.ly/MelodiesOfLoveAmazonUK

Amazon Us: http://bit.ly/MelodiesofLoveUSKindleLink



Nook: http://bit.ly/nookbookMelodiesofLove

kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/melodies-of-love-2

iBooks: http://bit.ly/MelodiesOfLoveApple



Bambooks: https://bambooks.io/Book/BookDetail/Melodies-of-Love/904

RovingHeights (Paperback):  https://rhbooks.com.ng/product/38562/

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    Amaka Azie

    She explores the beauty and intricacies of the continent in her sweet and sensual love stories. Her books showcase bold and exciting female and male African main characters with compelling storylines. She was named one of the most influential authors under Forty by the Nigerian Writers Awards (NWA) for the year 2017. Apart from getting lost in creating fascinating fictional characters, Amaka enjoys reading, painting and traveling with her family. She lives in the United Kingdom with her husband and daughters where she also practices part-time as a family Doctor.

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