Teaser- Melodies of Love
Hi everyone. Here’s an excerpt from Melodies of Love.
“What I keep hearing are excuses. Reasons not to be with me,” he said. “Tell me what you really want to say. Stop hiding behind excuses.”
“You broke my heart when you left me!” Adaora cried, turning towards him with tears in her eyes. “I will not allow you to do it again.”
The car had stopped moving and the sound of the gate opening signalled to them that they had arrived at Adaora’s place.
Adaora gathered her purse, and the moment the jeep came to a stop, she jumped out and ran.
Ikenna cursed under his breath and went after her.
She ran up the stairs as fast as she could, forgetting to shut the main door to the apartment building’s main entrance.
Ikenna caught up with her before she got to the final step, and pulled her into his arms.
“Leave me alone,” Adaora said, struggling to loosen his grip on her.
The flight up the stairs had caused her to lose her breath and she was panting uncontrollably. “I can’t deal with all of this. You. All those women… Yet you left me.”
Ikenna put her down, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his own breath.
“I can’t deal with this,” she said again, quietly this time.
“Can’t deal with this,” Ikenna repeated, shaking his head. His voice was rough.
“Let’s start with what you can actually deal with Ada, eh!” he growled. “Can you deal with the fact that I want you so badly that I have not been able to sleep? Can you deal with the fact that all I can think about is holding you, kissing you, ripping your clothes off and being with you in the most intimate way possible? Can you? Ada … can you?”

I hope you enjoyed this.
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Bambooks: https://bambooks.io/Book/BookDetail/Melodies-of-Love/904
RovingHeights (Paperback): https://rhbooks.com.ng/product/38562/