Teaser — The Judge’s Secret
DNA fraud is a recent trending topic in Nigeria.
What would you do if you found out a stranger is your son, daughter, brother or sister?
In this week’s teaser from The Judge’s Secret, Femi finally confronts Justice Iyoma about her deceit.
“We created a baby that night. And you took him away from me. You robbed me of my time with my son.”
The cold glare had returned to his eyes. And Iyoma’s legs turned to jelly, the guilt she’d lived with for years, suddenly too heavy to carry. She slumped back onto her seat, too weak to fight anymore. Too guilt-ridden to lie anymore.
“What do you want? Money? I’ll give you whatever you ask if you just sign away all rights to Junior—”
“Money? Money?” He barked out a mirthless laugh. “You really think I came here for money? You don’t bloody know me at all.”
“Then what is it? What do you want?” Even as she asked this, she already knew the answer.
“What I want is full custody of my son.”
Thank you for reading. Comments below 👇🏾

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The Judge’s Secret
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